
Covid 19

On the morning of March 12th the Government took an unprecedented  decision to close all schools in Ireland in order to slow down the spread of the Covid-19 virus in Ireland and keep as many people as possible safe and well. This decision took many by surprise. Suddenly events were cancelled such as St Patrick's Day, Confirmation and our annual Lenten fundraiser. The bell at Urbleshanny church rang out at 11am on the morning of St Patrick's Day as an act of prayer and solidarity in this time of challenge and anxiety.  In all her 235 years since the relaxation of the Penal Laws, the church was prevented from celebrating the feast day of our patron saint. Following the Taoiseach's address last Friday evening on the 27th of March, people were asked to stay at home and to practice social/physical distancing and self isolation. We have not been in this situation before, so this is new to us all, but if we follow the right advice we will get through this, and in time we will be proud of how we responded, working together to support our country.
You have a part to play in this. Everyone has taken on the challenge of staying at home, some of you may be bored and fed up and others may be feeling worried or anxious about what these changes may mean. We are all adjusting and adapting. When trying to think about how you can support yourself, your family, your community and your country in the coming weeks, remember these three key messages:
                                  Stay Responsible & Informed
                                      Stay Active & Connected
                                         Stay Positive & Calm

This will be an Easter break like no other. Take time to enjoy the Easter holidays. Take time to laugh and play. Take care and stay safe.


The Principal and staff of Urbleshanny NS