About Us


Welcome. Fáilte

As principal of Urbleshanny N.S. Scotstown, Co. Monaghan, it gives me great pleasure to extend a sincere welcome to you all to our website.

The name Urbleshanny comes from the Irish Iorball (eireball) Sionnaigh which means a fox's tail. This is a mixed rural school. situated on the outskirts of Scotstown villlage, approximately eight kilometres north of Monaghan town.

A school was first built on this current site in 1932 and prior to that a school of the same name was located on the site of St. Mary's Hall, near Urbleshanny Church. It is reported to be the oldest school in the Diocese of Clogher having been established in 1791 by Fr Murphy.

In the mid sixties extensive renovation was carried out on the school and in 1997 a new school was built on to the original building. Another extension was added to the school in 2013 and permission has been granted by the Dept of Education to add additional accomodation in the near future.

There are currently 309 pupils attending the school and there are 24 teaching staff and 5 ancillary staff in the school.